Our story
Sing + Dance + Acro + Act = Perform for Change
Perform For Change was started when our founder, Kareena Desai watched the Story Of Plastic Film by the Story of Stuff. She was then inspired to help the environment while also doing the thing she loves most: Performing Arts. So Kareena combined her two passions together and Perform For Change was born.
Perform for Change is an organization focused on helping the environment through shows and concerts. The money raised all goes to various environmental organizations to help them with their cause. We also do presentations and documentaries to teach other people about climate change. Perform for Change was created by Kareena Desai when she was 9 years old.

My European Adventure: Finding Plastic Pollution Solutions in France & Switzerland
Our latest article just went live on Jan 25, 2023! This article talks about how our founder, Kareena found plastic pollution solutions in Europe and how we can use them to help here in the U.S.

My Zero-Waste Adventure: The Plot
Our latest article just got published, click the button below to view the article!